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Welcome to Our Patient Portal


The Patient Portal is your “go-to” communication method while working together.


Please use the patient portal for your main means of communication and for all of the following:


  • Questions about your care

  • Insurance/billing

  • Uploading labs/ test results

  • Updates on symptoms/ how your care is going

  • Scheduling/Rescheduling/Canceling (at least 48 hours prior to appt.) your appointments


Woman on Computer

By solely using this platform, you allow for more timely responses than if you use any other method of communication with your practitioner. For ease of access to portal and more efficient communication, please use our website Portal access or download the free “Better by Practice Better” mobile app and allow notifications from the app.



Here are some links to helpful guides on using the patient portal:

What is covered during nutrition counseling sessions?

Nutrition Assessment
At your initial 60 to 90-minute appointment, we will meet with you for a comprehensive nutrition assessment and to identify your nutritional or weight management goals. During this session, a complete medical history, nutritional history, and lifestyle history will be obtained. We will measure your body composition and determine the nutritional adequacy of your diet. A healthy eating inventory will be conducted, lab values will be interpreted and current medications and supplements will be evaluated. Your lifestyle, eating habits, schedule, food preferences, and health goals will be taken into account. Based on the data gained from the above methods, June will develop a nutrition and lifestyle plan and help you set realistic goals to achieve the plan. Specialized laboratory testing may be recommended or requested and is often covered by your insurance company. If your goal is exclusively to lose weight, we are able to offer Metabolic Testing, and Genetic Testing which will allow us to determine the most accurate measure of your caloric needs. Please let us know if you are interested in this when you schedule your appointment.

Follow-up nutrition sessions
During a 45 to 90 minute follow-up session, we will perform a dietary assessment and discuss progress towards your health goals. We will discuss your success and difficulties with following the plan. We will problem-solve and provide further education and advice to assist you in reaching your goals. At subsequent appointments, we will assist you in acquiring skills to plan ahead and change old habits and help you develop new ways of thinking. New strategies will be discussed to help you stay on track and get through plateaus or situations that are hindering you from staying on course with your plan. Every step of the way, we will work together to help you accomplish your goals.



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